The alarm has been set off by Josep Maria Casanovas in the newspaper Sport. It is more than unlikely that Barça will return to Camp Nou this season.
Before the construction work began, Joan Laporta announced that Barcelona would once again play its matches at Camp Nou to mark the club's 125th anniversary on 29 November.
Then it was said it would be ready by the end of the year, then January and then February. The current appearance of Camp Nou indicates that it's still too green to host a match.
Even 2,500 workers working at the same time have not managed to do so. Nothing is known either about the announced penalty of one million euros. This is what the construction company would have to pay for each day of delay in the delivery of the field.
There's a serious security issue. It won't be easy for Laporta to obtain permission from the city council and the fire brigade to open the stadium. It will be difficult at least while the completion of third-tier works and the cantilever is still unfinished.
How can the safety of spectators in the first and second tier be guaranteed within a complex chain of beams still in early development?

Could Barça Guarantee the Safety of Its Fans?
Everyrhing suggests that Barça will return to Camp Nou next season. In other words, the plan to distribute seats among season ticket holders who want to sign up will come to nothing.
Furthermore, UEFA has not authorized a change of venue for the Champions League if the second phase doesn't begin in the new one. In that sense, they are already behind schedule.
It's time to consider avoiding the rush for the provisional Camp Nou. Instead, they should bet on the fully finished Camp Nou, without delays, by the start of the 2026-27 season.
Josep Maria Casanovas warns: "We have to thoroughly analyze the problems of going to Camp Nou in March. We'd have to play there the last three months of the season with the field under construction and everything upside down."
He suggests: It's better to wait until September so the construction company can develop a new action plan. They need to work for nine months at full speed without having to stop every week for the games."
What about the Penalty of One Million Euros for Each Day of Delay?
He added: "Difficulties must be faced head on to avoid disappointment. It is difficult to take risks and force fans to go to a stadium without the proper conditions."
"Camp Nou itself and its current state, four days away from the original date of its opening, speak for itself. The delay penalizes the club financially but bringing the dates forward in a precarious state means assuming a security risk that the club cannot afford.
"Laporta hasn't told the truth when he announced November 29 as the date of his return to Camp Nou. He also didn't tell the truth when he spoke about the end of the year. Nor when he spoke about February.
"Without the permits, the team won't be able to return this season while guaranteeing the safety of the fans.

"If There's No Pandemic or Global Catastrophe..."
"If there's no pandemic or a global catastrophe, we'll be here on November 29," said the efficient and naive vice president Elena Fort in words collected by Culemanía. There has been no pandemic, nor a global catastrophe, but Camp Nou is not ready.
Laporta's rush has to do with increasing the capacity. He would go from 53,000 seats at Montjuic to 64,000 at Camp Nou in this first phase. That means more money.
The specialty of Laporta and his board is not generating new sources of income. Barça was going to play one year at Montjuic, according to its president, but it will end up being two.